Kirsten had to have an eye exam today because of a new seizure medication she is taking. She has to go in every 3 months and have her eyes dilated to check the optic nerve and her retina. I took this picture of her when we got home. She was tired and not in a photo op mood! Her eyes will be dilated for a few more hours. Her appt. was one hour long. The actual 'doctor' visit time was only 10 minutes!
She probably looks drugged! She's not; she's just tired! We found out that she is 'near sighted', just like her dad! Her doctor said that the condition of her eyes was very good and everything looked great! I was a little concerned about 'dry eye' but she does not have that.
One interesting thing he told me, and I had never been told this before...always learning something new, she has an extra line of eyelashes which he said is a common trait among trisomy children. He said that is why she has such thick and beautiful eye lashes! Now we know! He said that her lashes were long and that sometimes is also a factor with these children. He said that Kirsten looks very good and complimented me on her 'care'. I said, 'Thank you!' He was surprised to see a trisomy 18 child her age, actually she is an 'adult' being 21.
She looks so cute in her awesome shades:) and that's so interesting about her eyelashes! I'm glad the doc complimented you on her care, I've always known that NO ONE could take better care of her than you and Dad have.
Thanks for the laugh....all she needs is a guitar! You're right, she has the perfect pose! Lucky girl, wouldn't we all like an extra row of eyelashes :) And the unconditional and immense love you've given to Kirsten over the past 21 years shows to ALL.
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