Spring 2011
I absolutely 'love' this plum tree in my neighbor's yard. This is taken from our back yard. It's soooo gorgeous!
After a good rain and wind these pink blooms fill the sides of the street and it looks like 'pink snow'. It's so pretty!
This same tree is beautiful with snow on it.
January 20, 2012 - mid-morning
We had freezing rain the day after the pretty snow.
See my previous post about, 'Yes, we do get snow.'
January 20, 2012 - late afternoon - too much ice!
This broke my heart! That gorgeous plum tree, so sad!
Our whole neighborhood that had these gorgeous plum trees got hit hard. They will all need a severe pruning, but I believe this will bounce back.
I showed him a picture that I did with our daughter Kirsten that was inspired from his plum tree. Kirsten did this about 3 years ago when she was in her last year of high school. My neighbor liked her picture. It's a treasure for me!
The top two pictures are so pretty! The bottom two pictures are so sad! I hope it recovers okay in the spring.
That WAS a beautiful tree! That is so sad - Zack says that breaks his heart too :(
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