Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Under the Thoughtful Tree...

Sometimes I feel like the child in this swing. In my mind I can 'escape' and just let my mind unwind and empty out the thoughts in my head. I decided I would do this. Sometimes we like to 'share' seeds of wisdom or stories that may be helpful to our self or to others. I decided I need to have my own 'sharing corner' to look back on and see what was in my head to help myself (or others). I'm infamous for talking to myself. No, I'm not crazy, I just think 'out loud'!

1-What's been on my mind lately?
That would have to be Kirsten's health. That is like a yo-yo; it's up and down and up and down. She had a wonderful '21st' birthday! What a blessing and joy that was to celebrate! Kirsten was so happy on her birthday! ♫ ♫

Well it's a few weeks past her birthday and she just went through another 'hit' on her health. One of those yo-yo 'downs'. She was much better yesterday and even much better today! Hooray! Even at this moment she is 'singing'. It's one note and one pitch, ♫, but I love it!

She got 'whacked' with a bug that flattened her like a pancake! She even had some strange side effects. At the same time she has started a new medicine for her seizures. That's another whole story in itself. The increase in seizures. Between her being sick and the new medication things are still trying to settle down to some even keel. In a few more days that story will be more revealing... I hope for the better. She has spent the past 2 nights practically sleepless but singing the whole while through! I have to say I 'enjoy sleep' as well as the next person! Hmm... going to have to see what can help her sleep. It's either she sleeps all the time... or now...not sleep! Life with Kirsten is an adventure! It's always something new!

Bath time! I have a bath bench she sits on when she gets a bath. Well with this last illness she was left 'unbalanced', yep...'0' balance! That made things interesting at bath time. I could not use the bench this time! We got through the bath. I hopped online and ordered a special reclining bath chair. Hopefully that will be here in a week or two. It will be nicer for her and 'save my back'!

2-Reading... I made myself a goal that this year I would try and prepare myself to become more 'spiritually minded' than the routine world day to day thoughts. I've really been 'deeply immersing' myself into the scriptures and church magazines. I am so impressed with the wonderful articles that I've been reading in the Ensign this year. It's a magazine we get that sits on the shelf month after month. Not this year! It will be read cover to cover! Where have I been? 'Out to lunch' mentally when I should be reading! I loved the articles in April's issue and I'm only half way through!

I loved reading the Four Gospels and more dearly the atonement of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. I cannot even fathom the suffering Jesus Christ went though for all mankind. I certainly look at the sacrament differently when I partake of it. Back to Kirsten and her health issues, she rarely, and I do mean 'rarely' complains when she is sick. Even with this last bout, nope, not a word of complaint! It rips my heart out to see her go through what she goes through. No, I don't complain to God that she goes through what she does. I think of His atonement and I know He suffered even for her. I know He sends messengers from the other side to comfort her from time to time or else how would she endure it all. She's still here and she's still hanging in there. My trial...learning patience and taking more time to become spiritually stronger and try to understand more each time.

Good bye tree, good bye swing...I'll be back sometime soon! :o)


Loretta Nizetich said...

Enjoyed your sharing corner. I think you should go celebrate the wonderful testimony you seem to already have, all the patience you already have and the amazing mother you are to Kirsten. I admire you!