That counter is like a 'magnet' and things just appear! I will admit that I am the biggest offender!
Now the basket is there to 'remind me' to answer some Christmas mail. Yes, it is a month past Christmas and it's still sitting there! I think it's safe to say, it won't run off before I get to it! :o)
There is something about January that when the Christmas decorations are all put away I notice all the 'other things' that have been tucked here and there so decorations could be displayed. So the 'spring cleaning bug' begins to strike a few months early! That's a good thing. I don't think I could make it until spring actually arrives!
Do you ever have one or more of those 'expanding room corners' that need to go on a diet? I have two in our master bedroom that were growing uglier by the day. Well, yesterday and today I dug right in and cut them down to size! Wow! The corners look bigger! They still have a few things in them, but what a difference!
Julie, you remember being in our room this past Christmas wrapping all your things and seeing the exploding corner where my wrapping paper was? I decluttered and sorted, tossed, and organized it into a neat little corner. The opposite corner where the linen closets are were really exploding! Not any more! It's been cleared away except for one comforter I couldn't fit in my closet. I'm working on resolving that though.
A few other things I've worked on:
Cleaning out that bottom drawer in the buffet.
Cleaning out and straightening up kitchen cupboards.
Going through closets and getting stuff ready for D.I. (Yippee!)
Cutting up Neil's old raggedy shirts for shop rags.
Drum roll here....
My biggest thing - going through 3 tubs of my parent's genealogy!
It was so overwhelming just thinking about it but now that I've been through it all and will still be going through it over and over, I'm not so overwhelmed. I've actually 'started' working on it! I have Family Search plus PAF on my computer. I have a dear friend down the street who is always working on her genealogy and she walked me through Family Search. You want to know what was the 'most embarrassing moment' for me? Realizing my immediate family plus my siblings information was not there! I had it in PAF but now I'm moving it into Family Search.
Anyway, it's a new beginning, starting the genealogy I've had for 16 years! That's embarrassing!
I am not through decluttering, a forever progress. I'm glad I've dug in and so far I love the results!
Way to go Mom! By the by, I got the bags of fluff today, so thank you! I never EVER want to declutter, but sometimes you just gotta do it. So far this year I redid our coat closet and I just finished weeding/cycling through all the girls clothes, I HATE that chore. I'm glad it's behind me and that's probably the most that I'll do for the rest of the year:) But you keep on keepin on!
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