Monday, May 6, 2013

Grandkids on an Easter Egg Hunt! ... and a little of this and that ...

Easter Sunday David, Angela and Avery came over and shared Easter with us, Douglas, Ashley and DC.  Ashley and Angela hid the plastic eggs outside in the front yard and then we had DC and Avery come out and find the eggs! It was so cute to watch these two cute little cousins get excited each time they 'found an egg'! They were almost done before they decided to sit down and see what was 'inside' the eggs. When they found out it was chocolate candy what a surprise!  I didn't have any 'after' discovery pictures. We were caught up in the cuteness of watching them!
Later we had a wonderful dinner! Yum!
DC finding an egg!

Grandpa watching Avery.

The grass was taller next to the house and Avery 'would not touch' the grass. Her mommy had to lay the grass back and then Avery would pick up the egg!

Sharing riding toys.

DC getting ready for a church.

DC's daddy, Douglas,  put the train track together for DC. I love this Ikea wooden train! It has 3 sets put together!

Avery and DC watching a cartoon movie.
When Lisa and the girls were here Lisa put this together with all 96 ponies!

A different set up. LaRue, Matilda and Adelaide loved what Lisa made for them!

One dozen beautiful roses from Neil to his sweetheart, me, for Valentines Day! :o)


Lisa said...

Those two are so stinkin cute- what a happy Easter you guys had!

*julie* said...

Oh man, so jealous you get to hang out with all those cuties!!